our focus

Give2Dev (Give to Development) is a nonprofit organization exclusively organized for charitable purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding Section of any future federal tax code.

Give2Dev was created with growth in mind. Our overarching goal is to help develop and improve the quality of life in remote areas that simply don't have access to the same resources other places do.

We are focusing on the development of the healthcare systems, agricultural methodology, water access, education systems, the justice system, and the economic system.

Created by an immigrant, Give2Dev operates with a core understanding based in personal experience of how challenging life can be in rudimentary societies, and we seek to improve the standard of living in these remote and resource-lacking areas.

We share our story of how a single charitable endeavor blossomed into birth of the Give2Dev organization.

For years, the nomadic children in Somalia have lived without a proper education. These children have had their potential wasted and their futures extinguished—all for the simple reason of not having access to the same resources that others do.

Out of curiosity as well as a simple desire to improve the lives of others, we hired a teacher in a remote town in Somalia. We asked him if we guaranteed his salary each month if he would be willing to manage and educate children in a remote town. To our delight, he agreed, and Empowering Remote Minds (ERM) was born.

For close to a year now, dozens of children have been learning from our teacher. In addition to monetarily supporting their instructor, we have also funded their school supplies.

Based on reports from our teacher, parents of the students, local community members, and a volunteer acting as the director of the school, our small charity investment has had an immense impact on the lives of many children who would not have learned without our initial decision to put money toward a cause like this.

To ensure the long-term sustainability of this already successful endeavor and future endeavors, we started a nonprofit organization called Give2Dev (Give to Development).