Empowering Remote Minds (ERM). A Give2Dev project in Bali Golis

Project completed👏

We did it! Thank you for your support.

Give2Dev is has a long-term commitment to engaging in projects that will educate disadvantaged children in remote and underdeveloped communities. We are planning to build elementary, middle, and high school facilities in the most underdeveloped areas, and then provide school supplies and teacher salaries.  

Empowering Remote Minds (ERM)

Give2Dev is currently working on ERM in Bali Golis, Somaliland. The Bali Golis region has no schools or education system. To address this issue, Give2Dev hired a teacher and provided school supplies. The students in Bali Golis are now receiving full day education five days a week, and they are learning for the first time in their lives. These students are embracing their newly accessible education and are truly excited to learn without any distractions. Any additional resources will only enrich their eager minds.  

Bali Gollis school opening in 2021

These kids are so happy when they received school supplies! Their smile is priceless!  

Teaching is held under tree now.

BaliGolis student in class under a tree

BaliGolis student in class under a tree

BaliGolis student in class under a tree

Next Phase...

The next phase of this project is to build a boarding school for the students. These students come from nomadic families that move when water and livestock grazing lands become scarce.  Our goal is to build a campus that provides housing and continuous education for the students, even if their families move.  

Approved Bali Gollis School Floor Plan.

Approved Bali Gollis School design model.

Architectural Report

Bali Golis School in Somaliland (Somalia)

The Bali Golis School, which will be built with the efficient use of local material, will be produced with brick and in-situ mosaic. In the garden, trees and seating elements arranged in the form of an arc were used. These seating elements were produced with local materials and soil.

A sustainable design was created by the compacted soil taking a circular form. Its walls were covered with plaster mortar on bricks, and wooden elements were used as flooring. Window and door frames are made of metal. However, it is also recommended to use wood.

Along the façade facing the Courtyard, a garden where students can socialize has been designed by keeping the stairs wide.

In order to protect the building from the sun, the roof was left wide and it was aimed to cast a shadow on the courtyard. Similarly, vertical wooden elements used on the rear and side facades allow sunlight to reach the interior spaces in a more controlled manner. 2 bathrooms in the garden serve students.

A simple scheme was preferred as the plan scheme. In the structure consisting of 3 classrooms in total, the classrooms are designed to form a courtyard in the middle.

The school is 0.5 meters above the ground. Cleaner interiors are designed by breaking off the connection with the ground.

The most important factor in the design is the continuity of the material. The most important requirement for a sustainable design is the use of local materials in the region. Because as access to a material becomes more difficult, the maintenance costs of that structure will increase. The building was designed with sustainable and easily accessible materials, and its lifespan was intended to be long.


Dimensions in the plan are given in centi-meters.

The dimensions passing through the middle of the classrooms indicate the total length of the room. The dimensions close to the windows show the distance between the windows and the wall and each other.

The building is 0.5 meters above the ground. Floor height is 3 meters. Together with the roof, the building has a total height of 4.5 meters.

Experience the power of transformation. Witness the dreams of Bali Golis come alive as Give2Dev lays the foundation for a new school. In June 2023, we took the first steps towards creating a haven of knowledge and opportunity. Now, we need your heartfelt support to bring this vision to fruition.

Imagine the faces of eager children, their eyes filled with hope, as they step into a world where education opens doors they never knew existed. Your contribution can make this dream a reality. Together, we can break the barriers that hinder their potential and pave the way for a brighter future.

Let us unite in compassion and generosity to complete the work that has just begun. Every dollar donated will empower us to construct classrooms, furnish libraries, and provide the tools these children need to thrive. 

Join us on this heartfelt journey and become a catalyst for change. Together, let's create a legacy that will forever shape the lives of the students at Bali Golis. They are counting on us. Will you answer their call?

Give2Dev constructed water ponds in June 2023 that collected rain water for the building of a school in Bali Golis.

We have some great news: we have begun the construction of Bali Golis school. How about joining us to finish it?

Be a part of our mission to finish the construction of Bali Golis school.