BCHC Project

Join Us in Building a Healthier Future in Bali Golis.

At the heart of our efforts is the Bali Golis Community Health Center (BCHC) project, a beacon of hope for the residents of Bali Golis, Somalia/Somaliland, and its neighboring regions. Our mission is clear and vital: to bring essential healthcare services to a community where access is limited, and needs are great.

The Challenge:

In Bali Golis, healthcare is not just a service; it's a lifeline currently out of reach. There's no existing community health center, and the remote location, compounded by scarce transportation, puts healthcare beyond the grasp of many.

Our Vision:

We're here to change that. Our plan is to construct a sizable Community Health Center, not just a building, but a hub of wellness, equipped with sustainable medical equipment and a team of knowledgeable and compassionate staff. The first step? Building a facility where hope and health can flourish.

Why Your Support is Invaluable:

Your support is more than a donation; it's a lifeline, a building block in creating a healthier, stronger community. By backing the BCHC project, you're directly influencing and improving lives. Your contribution is a powerful statement of care and commitment.

Be Part of This Transformative Journey:

We warmly invite you to be a part of this essential and life-changing project. Your generosity could be the difference that transforms a life, a family, and an entire community. Please consider supporting the BCHC project. Together, we can forge a healthier, brighter future for Bali Golis residents and surrounding communities.

We deeply appreciate your consideration and are grateful for your spirit of giving. Your support is not just valuable; it's transformative for us and the community we are committed to serving.

With gratitude,
